13 June 2011: Support Your Local Koch Dealer!

Thanks to The New Yorker article (30 August 2010) on the powerful billionaire Koch brothers of Wichita, and the continuing updates about them on The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, we now know what Koch Industries is up to as it funds and manipulates the election of political candidates who would then support the Koch…

7 June 2011: Mykee Is 14 Years Old!

Mykee, my sweet and gentle keeshond, is 14 years old today. In the past six years, she has undergone major surgery and extensive chemo treatments twice, but you wouldn’t know it from her youthful demeanor and disposition. True, she is now somewhat deaf, but she has learned to read my lips and to go wherever…

2 June 2011: Outsizing Anthony Wiener

What’s all the hew and cry over the alleged photo on Twitter of Rep. Anthony Wiener (D-NY) in his underwear?  Didn’t we all grow up seeing equally “lurid” photos of Marky Mark and all the other beefy Calvin Klein models in humongous billboards all over Times Square and in glossy family magazine spreads? Republicans taking…