24 July 2011: If Obama Is a Thermometer…

Princeton professor Cornel West, when asked by New York Times columnist Andrew Goldman as to how Obama can be the president West wants him to be when he’s facing this Republican Congress, replied thus:  “You’ve got to be a thermostat rather than a thermometer. A thermostat shapes the climate of opinion; a thermometer just reflects…

16 August 2010: Obama and Antigone

Kreon’s downfall in the play Antigone by Sophocles is that he chose to pursue the Letter of the Law instead of the Spirit of the Law.  Although “freedom of worship” is one of our most sacred constitutional rights as American citizens, Republicans are now vehemently against the building of a mosque within two blocks of…

26 May 2010: “Plug the damn hole!”

Says President Obama to BP. Says the rabbit to the tree after Alice fell into Wonderland. Says American cheese to Swiss cheese. Says the flat tire to the garage mechanic. Says the IRS to all the loopy tax laws. Says the dike to the little Dutch boy. Says the wounded gunman to the Mafia medic.…