This just in from the Land of the Houyhnhnms: “Tweeting Twits are the new Yahoos.”Category: OUT ON A LIMBy PaulJune 22, 2009Tags: houyhnhnmstwitsyahoosAuthor: Paul https://paulstephenlim.comPost navigationPreviousPrevious post:Remembering Ed RuheNextNext post:Remembering ImeldaRelated posts13 April 2013: Liquid Assets!April 13, 201811 April 2018: Getting Groped at the OperaApril 12, 201811 January 2017: Poll Dancers at the Inauguration?January 11, 20179 January 2017: Who Is Trump Wearing To The Inauguration?January 9, 20178 January 2017: Still Bristling After All These Years!January 8, 201714 December 2016: King Lear at Trump Tower!December 14, 2016