The Sunday New York Times lists recent bio-pics which have been made about Dead White Women, among them Julia Child, Edith Piaf, Amelia Earhart, Fanny Brawne, Coco Chanel, Virginia Woolf, Queen Victoria. On the planning stage are movies about Dusty Springfield and Janis Joplin. I could add a great many other worthy subjects to the list but, fortunately or unfortunately, depending upon your point of view, they aren’t dead yet.
Well….okay….so in thinking about dead white women and their particular movies…..what’s the rest of the thought?
I really wanted to name some names of some AWFUL women currently in the Republican party about whom we could make movies, but I didn’t think it would be proper, since they are not yet DEAD. As a kid in Catholic school in the Philippines, we laughed when the priests jokingly told us to pray that certain people quickly join God in Heaven. Since I’m an atheist these days, I can’t do that either.