11 November 2014: Direct Line to God
Letter: Dire prophecy
By Carl E. Burkhead, Lawrence
November 10, 2014
To the editor:
This prophecy was given to me on the day (Oct. 7) following the Supreme Court’s decision that will likely make gay marriage legal in 30 states including Kansas (Journal-World, Nov. 5). The prophecy is that God will bring a sharp rebuke to the U.S. if we do not repent individually and as a nation. A part of the USA will be removed; which part, how and when I don’t know. However when it comes, it will come quickly.
I believe this potential painful rebuke with its abrupt cutting away is because gay marriage (and abortion) are a two-edged assault against God’s plan for marriage and families. God always has a purpose in his dealing with disobedient nations. It is His intent to bring us to repentance, but if we choose to ignore this warning, He will act.
Letter: Love thy neighbor
By Paul Stephen Lim, Lawrence
November 11, 2014
To the editor:
Since Carl E. Burkhead receives prophecies directly from God (Public Forum, Nov. 10), and we have now been warned that God will bring “a sharp rebuke” to America (for its evolving views on gay marriage and abortion) by an “abrupt cutting away” and removal of parts of this country, I would like Mr. Burkhead to tell God to begin the sharp rebuke by cutting away and removing all land and homes owned by disobedient Christians who do not “love thy neighbor as thyself.”